Hello and welcome to my comics corner on the web! My passion for comic books has always been rooted in the artwork. At the age of 16 I had the honor of working for my comic art hero Todd McFarlane, at a shop he co-owned with his brother in law called Spider’s Web Cards and Comics. The list of artists I admire is near endless and changes almost daily! Recently I’ve gained a huge respect for Jack Kirby and have started collecting his works as well. I love to draw and have been heavily influenced by these artists since I was 13 years old.

I’m a life long collector that’s taken a few short breaks. Over the years I’ve acquired several collections and now I want to help others fill in the holes in their own personal collections. Are you looking for something specific? Drop me a line as I have a WIDE variety of books from keys to common!

See what I’m excited about on Instagram

Get glimpse of what comics I’m excited about including new additions to my own collection and what comics could potentially be part of yours!